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  • What is included in my rent?
    Everything that you need will be included in your rent; room and board, food, toiletries, bed and bath linens, over the counter medications and any other specific items each individual may need, along with all program materials. Also included is weekly therapy with groups and individual sessions. While being a resident at LeeLee's your rent does not cover the need to see a doctor, dentist or have a prescription filled. During the early time at LeeLee's when a resident does not have a job if a medical needs occur we will have to reach out to the family for help.
  • How much does this cost?
    There is an initial $1750 non-refundable deposit that covers your first months rent, and program materials. Residents are required to get a job during their first month so that they can become responsible for paying their rent which will be $260 per week after that first month.
  • Am I allowed to bring my phone and car?
    Lee Lee's Place is a tier program using self, peer, and staff accountability. Each resident is different and so each resident will receive her phone and or car at a time staff deems it appropriate.
  • When can I see my family?
    The first family visit will be scheduled at 3 months. You will be able to talk with your family on the phone each week after the initial first 30 days. For residents who have young children, FaceTime or Skype seasons will be set up at the earliest possible time. This is done so that the children do not worry about mom and where she is.
  • Can I bring my medication?
    There is no mood or mind altering drugs allowed at LeeLee's Place. If you have a medication that you are taking ,it must be approved by staff first. You cannot bring any over the counter medications, vitamins, or supplements with you. While you are a resident at LeeLee's Place if you need a medication it will be addressed at that time.
  • What about my boyfriend or dating?
    LeeLee's Place does not permit romantic relationships while you are a resident, with the exception of those who come into the house married. We know that this seems very harsh and unreasonable, but there is a reason. In early recovery romantic relationships can be very unhealthy. We want you to use the time that you are here to focus on you and your recovery. Focus building a strong foundation for your future. Romance will always be there; learning to love your self is the first priority.
  • What if I have legal issues or I'm on probation?
    LeeLee's staff will work with you to make sure that all the requirements for any legal issues are met. We also work with probation and parole officers ensuring that they get a monthly report on how you are doing in the program.
  • What do I need to bring with me?
    Picture ID and Social Security Card (mandatory for job search), insurance card. One Suitcase with clothing that is modest and weather appropriate for one week. This includes work clothes, one dress outfit for Church, shorts (no short shorts), pants, t-shirt and tank tops (tanks must have wide enough strap to cover bra, no braless shirts. Please bring under garments, socks, modest swim suit, tennis shoes, work shoes, and flip flops. Please do not bring expensive jewelry as we will not be responsible for it or it's loss. Watch (no smart watch) - this is mandatory One weeks worth of cigarettes or E-cig, we do allow vaping, however we only allow 1 type of vape, please inquire for details. All other types are prohibited! Your own make-up as we do not supply make-up (no make-up with alcohol in it) You may bring an iPod nano and earphones (no wireless) with music already loaded on it. The iPod cannot have internet access. Please do not bring any cash, or gift cards

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